Mr. Prakashchandra Shetty
Chairman & Managing Trustee
Dear Children, the great aim of education is not knowledge but action. Education is not merely acquiring knowledge but also of values which help us to improve the quality of life.
GMVPS always supports the proactive role that an educational institution plays in the holistic development of children. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if they find the surrounding stimulating and purposeful.
As a dynamic and progressive educational institution, we provide collaborative, cooperative and supportive environment to promote innovation as well as support teaching practices which are not only conducive for learning but also ensure that our students grow up into independent individuals with a deep rooted value system.
I would request all parents to gift their children with their ‘time’ that by far remains the best gift. In my interactions with parents, I always emphasize on the importance of their presence and I continue to stress upon the significance of quality time spend together. Children in all honesty expect support from the parents which in turn can assist them to identify their own latent talent and groom them to be what they wish to be. For this purpose we request all parents to support and join hands with us to provide our effective tools of learning that help children find their own identity.
Our Teachers are always there to focus on each and every child, monitor them, mentor them, appreciate their achievements and encourage them to realise their dreams.
Dear students, ‘Be the best and different from the rest.’
Mr. Prakashchandra Shetty
Chairman & Managing Trustee
We, at G M Vidyaniketan Public School, have a holistic view of education which prepares the children to embrace a holistic view of life. One who has a partial view of life does not live a full life.
G M Vidyaniketan Public School,
P.B. No. 12, Brahmavar – 576213
Phone: +91 820 2590399, +91 9845317165